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8 of Swords

This card shows disorientation. You don't know who you are or what you want—you feel like an outsider in a community. It is too easy to listen to others, and you don't know what to do unless someone tells you to....

9 of Swords

This card shows worry and anxiety. Number 9 shows that you have come a long way in your thinking; here, it may have become too much to think about. More responsibility, worry, difficulty concentrating, relax. Having...

10 of Swords

This card shows emptiness, disorientation, and powerlessness. Ten shows that you've gone all the way and tried all feelings, experiences, empathy, and good and bad experiences. But now it has become too much. You...

Page of Swords

This card shows either (or both) a child or young person in the air element, with its added qualities. Look at your age or your knowledge of the card or zodiac sign. This is also shown by the announcements that are...

Knight of Swords

This card shows either a young man in the air element or your interpretation of the card in personal characteristics. It also shows fast and intense events, making it hard to keep up. Many things turn your life...

Queen of Swords

This card depicts a woman with traits from the air signs. She is sure of herself when she feels good but doubts easily and feels insecure otherwise. You can have a hard time deciding, daring to choose. The contrast...

King of Swords

This card depicts a man with characteristics from the air signs; bring out your knowledge of those zodiac signs or the card. This shows a confident, secure man who knows what he wants. This is where the big...
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