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Wynjaz - Happiness


The prime staff and two half staff, but the last one locks into the prime staff.

The knowledge that you can keep what was created by directing the last carving inward. It marks a flow; triangles have always represented preservation (pyramids) throughout the ages.

Here, there is more security in its relaxation and joy.

If you pulled Wynjaz
You do your best with Wynjaz to create as much as possible from what already exists. You automatically get a strong position with this rune, but you probably won't show your strength outwardly; others will sense it over time.
Hidden Wynjaz shows conflicts and despair. You are living in the role of martyr, unable to speak your mind and not motivated enough to act.

If you are drawn to Wynjaz
It shows you are present, generous, creative, and sharing your whole self. You see the big picture and create balance in everything that comes your way. You create more possibilities out of everything that exists. Your inner drive is about realizing more of what already is.

You desire and feel joy for the upcoming work; there is more to look forward to here than was initially thought. It will be a period of empathy, happiness, and new, spontaneous, eventful experiences.

An immense feeling of love based on freedom and joy. You feel harmony, joy, and affection.

You can worry about it again; now, you have other things to consider. For example, how to quickly invest in everything you want, even what those you like want.

You feel well, balanced, happy, and accessible.

You vibrate with joy, affection, empathy, and happiness. You are here and now - yourself completely.

Introduction Your Runes
Issaz Laguz Naudiz Gifuz Kenaz
Tyraz Algiz Fehaz Assiz Eohez
Solaz Uhruz Wynjaz Thurisaz Hagalaz
Jaraz Ingaz Ehiz Madrez Dagaz
Odalaz Reidiz Bjarkaz Pertraz Voidez